ION/Neve Flying Faders
The Neve "Flying Faders" console automation system is ION Compatible. In its simplest form of operation, the Flying Faders keyboard accesses machine control through the ION environment and receives the required status information in return. However, the real power of ION is realized by the exclusive capabilities the Flying Faders system acquires through the ION link, and the powerful centralized studio control that results.
- ION retroactively makes the Neve Flying Faders keyboard "soft". The basic transport control, GOTO and loop functions are available in keeping with the Neve fundamental design. However, each command is actually connected to a specific, programmable Sequence key within the ION environment. Thus, the "cycle" command can be enhanced and modified by the user to include EDL activity, for example, by simply creating a suitable Sequence key routine. Similarly, "play" could become "Record machine play" within ION. Furthermore, one key could be programmed to recall a totally new palette of functions, instantly resetting the Flying Faders keyboard
- The ION SHUTL ancillary keyboard, used in conjunction with the Flying Faders controls, adds powerful jog/shuttle capabilities as well as 52 more programmable keys. This is most useful when more sophisticated editing requirements are needed
- As a result of its integration via ION, the Neve Flying Faders system gains powerful new device control capabilities. For example, keys on Flying Faders can be programmed to change reverb settings on outboard processors, or to call up pre-programmed pitch change values. In fact, ancillary device control parameters can be transmitted on the fly, or pre-loaded into an Edit Decision List, and either triggered manually, or via incoming time code. All of this is possible because of the link Flying Faders has through the ION Operating Environment to the ION/MIDI module. In multiple installations to date, this has resulted in the reduction of at least one computer and monitor in the control room
- Similarly, Flying Faders keys could be programmed to slip and/or arm tracks within a DTRS modular digital multitrack (TASCAM DA-88/SONY PCM-800) via the ION/88 module, or command an "autoassemble" from an imported EDL
- No modification whatsoever is required of the Flying Faders automation system to achieve these new capabilities. The entire function set is available by one simple RS 232 connection between the ION host computer and the Flying Faders host
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