Smart Transfer
- Soundmaster Group's SMART SYNC®, protected by two United States patents and one Canadian, is the magic behind ION's exceptionally powerful transfer and syncing capabilities
- In 1987, Soundmaster pioneered the ability to make machines that are running at different speeds, with different time codes, synchronize perfectly as if they were running standard speeds with common codes!
- As a result, a user can "fast forward" twenty minutes, two hours or twenty-three hours for that matter, and maintain perfect synchronization automatically; there is no need to have to stay in "play" mode to maintain sync
- Punch into record either manually, or frame-accurately, as one would in a normal session
- If a program has been varisped/time compressed, and an operator doesn't know where and by what varying amounts, SMART SYNC® allows head and tail sync points to be entered to automatically calculate the varispeed required to synchronize the material at the reference points supplied
- ION is the only system to be able to directly control serial devices such as DA-88 and 7030 and maintain varispeed synchronization without the need for separate word clock signals
- Soundmaster's proprietary Parallel Interface allows SMART SYNC® control over analog and digital transports such as 1/4", 2", and DASH
- Even biphase can be controlled by SMART SYNC®, allowing NTSC/PAL projects to be seamlessly integrated
- With optional PARAGEN module generator, ION can generate 25 fps EBU time code while simultaneously outputting 240 Hz biphase
- Typical speed ups/slow downs such as +4.16% (60Hz, 24 fps film to 25fps PAL), +4.27% (59.94Hz video to 25fps PAL), -4.0% (25fps PAL to 24fps film) and -4.1% (25fps PAL to 59.94 video) can be entered directly
- Actual reference frame rates can also be directly entered to maintain extremely tight synchronization over feature film length projects
- Any valid varispeed is possible
- Transfer 1:00:00:00 of Source to 1:00:00:00 of Record, subframe accurately, with ease
- Pickup anywhere into the program using the initial sync "pivot" point (such as above) by simply choosing the appropriate edit point on the Record Machine; ION knows exactly where the Source should be automatically!
- Various user interfaces are available to allow the operator to choose the one most appropriate for a particular application
- Most transfer/editing systems can't even deal with mixed time code, yet alone one code that is running slow, but ION can
- Independent, user programmable Jog/Shuttle of each machine
- Soundmaster supplied custom "Sequence Keys", especially written for this transfer application, makes it easy to perform synchronization magic
- Remote track arming of serial machines
- Real time tallies display machine's true status
- All synchronization is handled by ION and can be adjusted by software setup files; no manual adjustments whatsoever
- Clear, color graphic representation of system status
- Unique "difference" or "offset error" display shows a constant, numeric relationship between the machines' time code, even when one is Slow PAL and the other is NTSC Drop, Non-Drop or 24fps
- Proven reliable in the world's most prestigious facilities
- Exclusive "ATOM CALL HOME" real time online support by standard modem provides an umbilical cord to the designers
- Winner of a Scientific and Engineering Academy Award and Prime Time Emmy Plaque for Outstanding Engineering
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